Jun 20, 2020
Kyle is joined by Paul, Katy and Leonard from The NPC Pod to
discuss the most recent Dragon Ball Super manga chapters. Be sure
to check out
part 1 of the conversation HERE! Will Vegeta defeat Moro? Or
will they reverse course and have Goku get the win YET
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Jun 16, 2020
Kyle chats with Anthony Gramuglia, writer for CBR.com about his
recent article,
Dragon Ball AF: The DBGT Sequel That Was WAY Too Wild to Exist,
Explained ... How did Dragon Ball AF start? Does Dragon Ball AF
connect to Dragon Ball Super? And how is this series still going
This conversation is from a YouTube live...
Jun 6, 2020
40 minutes of me trying to explain where we've been and trying to make sense of the country in memory of George Floyd. It was a fun episode after the sad stuff featuring me, Feds, and Van Dan catching up and asking the important questions... What would our purgatory songs to Hell be? What landmark would we be...